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takes great pride in offering a safe and secure online shopping experience.
We understand that the safety of your personal information is extremely important to you. We use a wide array of electronic and physical security measures and devices to protect your personal data and credit card information from unauthorized access. These include using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level available).
Bolt is our checkout partner that helps us offer a faster, more secure shopping experience. Once you create a Bolt account, you’ll unlock access to One-Click Checkout and easier login.
While adding your shipping and billing info, you’ll see a checked box that indicates your information’s been saved. Bolt will send a verification code to your phone or email to verify your info.
The next time you check out, you won’t need a password or to fill out any fields, allowing you to finish the purchase in seconds.
With Bolt, we’re pleased to offer:
Shoppers’ trust and safety are important to us. By creating an account, Bolt ensures that shoppers’ personal details are secure. Learn more about how Bolt provides shopping with peace of mind.
Manage your account directly from the Bolt Shopper Dashboard. Login to your account then go to the “Account Settings”.
If you’re interested in deleting your account deleting your account then select “Delete Account”.
Head to Bolt at to learn more.
respect and protects your privacy. We will never rent or sell your personal information to anyone.
Have questions? The Customer Support Center is always happy to help!
Passkeys give shoppers a fast and ultra-secure way to log in to their Bolt Account on mobile devices without having to enter a password. Instead, passkeys utilize device-specific methods of verification including:
Shoppers can easily create a Bolt Passkey at Once created, shoppers can use their Bolt Passkey on their mobile devices across the Bolt Network.
When you’re ready to check out, all you’ll need to do is enter the verification code sent to your phone or email. This code allows us to offer a secure, One-Click Checkout experience and replaces your account password.
Yes! Guest checkout is always available. You do not need an account to check out, simply click “continue as guest” during checkout.
When linking back to, use the below links.
When updating with “your brand”, includes dashes where spaces would be, i.e. Lilly-Pulitzer